Wow!! Miss Deaf China won Title 'Miss Deaf World'! :O
Deaf girls from left: Miss Yamaha - Marija Delcevska (Bulgary) , Vice-miss Kristina Weber from Germany, Miss Deaf World Bao Quing Ling (China), II-vice Neonila Kudlic (Ukraine), Miss Sympathy Terneil Nicole Oppel (South Africa)
I got an email from Peter so I post it in my blog! Haha..
Info about Miss Deaf World 2007:
Miss new Deaf World 2007 crown pageant is Bao Quing Ling from China. There are about 20 deaf beauty queens from all countries.They represent their countries in Prague Czech Republic. You can watch video clip or read the website.
I got an email from Peter so I post it in my blog! Haha..
Info about Miss Deaf World 2007:
Miss new Deaf World 2007 crown pageant is Bao Quing Ling from China. There are about 20 deaf beauty queens from all countries.They represent their countries in Prague Czech Republic. You can watch video clip or read the website.
Miss Deaf World 2007, Bao Quing Ling- China

Haha..I hope Miss Deaf Malaysia will participate in Miss Deaf World on next future!! :P keke
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